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Old 10-01-2011, 20:20   #1
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Япония / Japan Ochan no Oekaki Logic 2 [SLPS-00345/SLPS-03117]             

Ochan no Oekaki Logic 2 [SLPS-00345]

a.k.a. Oh-chan no Oekaki Logic 2 - Color mo Arimasuwa


screenshots - http://psxdatacenter.com/games/J/O/SLPS-00345.html


Nonograms or Paint by Numbers are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. In this puzzle type, the numbers measure how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in any given row or column. For example, a clue of "4 8 3" would mean there are sets of four, eight, and three filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups.

These puzzles are often black and white but can also have some colors. If they are colored, the number clues will also be colored in order to indicate the color of the squares. Two differently colored numbers may or may not have a space in between them. For example, a black four followed by a red two could mean four black spaces, some empty spaces, and two red spaces, or it could simply mean four black spaces followed immediately by two red ones.

There are no theoretical limits on the size of a nonogram, and they are also not restricted to square layouts.

As picross is traditionally played, to solve a puzzle the player must mark a box in a window of varying sizes to create the resulting picture. The numbers on the top and left side of the window guide the correct boxes to mark (for example, if the window is 10×10, and one of the numbers at the top is a "10", that means all ten boxes in the column below it are part of the solution to the puzzle. If the numbers "5" and "4" are at the left of the window, that means that all but one of the boxes in the row next to them are correct, with five consecutive boxes, followed by four more consecutive boxes, separated by one space).

Ochan no Oekaki Logic 2 - Color mo Arimasuwa is the second game in this picross series and is too a logic puzzle that features lots of different picross puzzles for the player to solve. The game also have a complete editor to create your own logic puzzles.

The game features 2 main game modes:
- Classic Oekaki Logic puzzle
- Colour Oekaki Logic puzzle

Manufacturer's description:

Drawing logic puzzles logic drawing of the popular 2nd Ochan]. Complete the picture we paint the mass number of tips based on vertical and horizontal logic "drawing", in addition to 300 problems from beginning to very advanced, the problems included 33 color drawing. Editing features and other issues are also equipped with two people can play together to solve problems together.

  • First person perspective.
  • 2D graphics
  • Cartoon graphics
  • Logic puzzle theme.

Platform: SONY PlayStation
Publisher: SUN SOFT
Release: 27/09/1996
Genre: Puzzle
Region: Japanese
Serial No: SLPS-00345
Pack Size: rar 260MB
UnPack Size: 451MB
Upload Service - MEGA.CO.NZ

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Данные образа GetMD5 (track 01)
совпадает с редамп.орг

PS2 ISO MD5 Calculator v2.24 by Chook
File Name : Oh-chan no Oekaki Logic 2 (Japan) (Track 01).bin
File Size : 75 539 184
Image Mode : CD Mode 2 Form 1
Size Error : LOST 156735 SECTORS!
Created On : 17.02.1998
Application: PLAYSTATION
Volume : OEKAKI2
Publisher : SUNSOFT
Copyright : COPY.TXT
Preparer : SUNSOFT
Sony ID : SLPS-00345
Version :
Region : -J Japan
Sony LOGO : Edited Image
FILE MD5 : c9772aacfc869bc9cbed130b23811e65
4 REDUMP : 9a2161afd40e66e7755f6ab97a74eb49
DATA SECTORS: 31967 SIZE: 0x47B40D0

Redump - verified
CRC-32 Total 3c42293e

Image: *.BIN/*.CUE ~ 423Mb
Archive: RAR ~ 255Mb
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contains hidden content You have to ' press the thank you ', to see the hidden text contained here ( is only available upon registration ). Important! Registration possible through OpenID and via e-mail. If you are experiencing problems with registration, please contact the Administrator volgame@gmail.com
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Old 10-01-2011, 20:36   #2
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Хорошо Re: Ochan no Oekaki Logic 2 [SLPS-00345]             

Big thanks for the upload.
I was looking for this one.
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Old 11-01-2011, 02:56   #3
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Default Re: Ochan no Oekaki Logic 2 [SLPS-00345]             

Thanks for the upload.REP GIVEN!!!
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Old 12-10-2013, 21:45   #4
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Default Re: Ochan no Oekaki Logic 2 [SLPS-00345]             

the url dont work. Can you repair it? thanks ^^
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Old 25-03-2020, 12:51   #6
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reuploaded on MEGA.CO.NZ, and mirrored on ULOŽ.TO
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