(PS2) Sport (EU) Игры для популярной игровой системы SONY Playstation 2 Европейского региона жанра - Sport

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26-11-2010 volgame (Администратор)
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Russia / Europe
Thread Rating: 7 votes, 5.00 average. badin-bad
06-10-2019 01:32
by shamalama Go to last post
42 12,358
Евросоюз / European Union
11-02-2025 00:17
by seoaccwork Go to last post
6 818
Евросоюз / European Union
freestyle, freestyle soccer, soccer, urban, urban freestyle, urban freestyle soccer, urban soccer Urban Freestyle Soccer [SLES-50849]
Цель игры незамысловата — обыграть на импровизированном игровом поле всех соперников в различных соревнованиях. Каждая команда обладает яркой индивидуальностью..
26-12-2024 10:17
by YashkaMR Go to last post
3 1,178
Евросоюз / European Union
Asterix At The Olympic Games [SLES-55034]
Эта игра - о путешествии Астерикса и Обеликса в Грецию. Странствия приведут друзей на Олимпийские игры, где им придется соревноваться с лучшими атлетами Римской Империи.
21-12-2024 05:49
by volgame Go to last post
0 43
Евросоюз / European Union
Asterix At The Olympic Games [SLES-55035]
Эта игра - о путешествии Астерикса и Обеликса в Грецию. Странствия приведут друзей на Олимпийские игры, где им придется соревноваться с лучшими атлетами Римской Империи.
21-12-2024 04:58
by volgame Go to last post
0 40
Astérix Aux Jeux Olympiques [SLES-54886]
Эта игра - о путешествии Астерикса и Обеликса в Грецию. Странствия приведут друзей на Олимпийские игры, где им придется соревноваться с лучшими атлетами Римской Империи.
21-12-2024 03:55
by volgame Go to last post
0 38
Евросоюз / European Union
Attheraces Presents Gallop Racer [SLES-51896]
Players can breed horses using a series of mini-games, the outcome, either good or bad, will determine the type of horse, the better the player is at the mini-games..
21-12-2024 03:37
by volgame Go to last post
0 37
Евросоюз / European Union
Thread Rating: 1 votes, 1.00 average. lob
22-03-2024 17:37
by Andropenis Go to last post
3 714
Евросоюз / European Union
NHL Hitz Pro [SLES-51840]
Компания Midway создала очень любопытный проект, сочетающий в себе аркадную механику игрового процесса, базирующуюся на модели традиционного спортивного симулятора.
Thread Rating: 1 votes, 5.00 average. volgame
28-09-2023 14:30
by stalze Go to last post
2 834
Евросоюз / European Union
Agassi Tennis Generation [SLES-52125]
32 известных игрока, 16 турниров, 4 типа покрытий. Соревнования проходят в 16-ти разных странах и трёх игровых режимах.
29-11-2022 21:49
by volgame Go to last post
1 1,001
Евросоюз / European Union
25-06-2022 17:56
by BVS80 Go to last post
3 1,377
Евросоюз / European Union
kidz sports ice hockey, sles-52722 Kidz Sports Ice Hockey [SLES-52722]
Настало время одеть коньки! Выберите свою любимую спортивную команду и присоединитесь к ней в игре хоккей на льду!
25-06-2022 15:53
by BVS80 Go to last post
2 948
Евросоюз / European Union
25-06-2022 15:01
by BVS80 Go to last post
3 747
Евросоюз / European Union
golf, mr. golf Mr. Golf [SLES-51493]
Mr. Golf is a one to four player golf game. This is not a simulation where real players and courses are recreated in minute photorealistic detail, this is a fun game where the players are all drawn in
22-10-2021 13:42
by TYRANT-103 Go to last post
2 731
Евросоюз / European Union
13-10-2021 17:25
by TYRANT-103 Go to last post
2 780
Евросоюз / European Union
volleyball, volleyball xciting, xciting Volleyball Xciting [SLES-51765]
Volleyball Xciting is a very arcade-like and light volleyball experience for those not looking for that ultra realistic feeling many sports games try to achieve.
13-10-2021 15:57
by TYRANT-103 Go to last post
2 809
Евросоюз / European Union
13-10-2021 15:55
by TYRANT-103 Go to last post
2 847
Евросоюз / European Union
fighting, world, world fighting World Fighting [SLES-52516]
World Fighting is a 3D versus fighting game offering several diffrent fighting styles from around the world. Thai boxing meets kung fu meets karate meets wrestling in four different "fighting are
13-10-2021 14:33
by TYRANT-103 Go to last post
2 917
Евросоюз / European Union
league, soccer, xs junior, xs junior league soccer XS Junior League Soccer [SLES-51974]
Lead a bunch of junior players in authentic soccer action. XS Jr. League Soccer delivers the thrills of schoolyard sports. This throwback to childhood fun lets players get their kicks on school fields
13-10-2021 13:22
by TYRANT-103 Go to last post
3 861
Евросоюз / European Union
2004, jumping, rtl, rtl ski jumping, rtl ski jumping 2004, rtl skijumping, rtl skijumping 2004, rtl skispringen 2004, ski RTL Ski Jumping 2004 [SLES-51888]
RTL Skispringen 2004 is a simulation of the ski jumping sport. The handling is quite simple: the player uses the mouse to hold a steady course and clicks at the right moment to jump respectively land.
06-10-2021 22:32
by TYRANT-103 Go to last post
2 772
Евросоюз / European Union
2003, jumping, rtl, rtl ski jumping, rtl ski jumping 2003, rtl skijumping, rtl skijumping 2003, rtl skispringen 2003, ski RTL Ski Jumping 2003 [SLES-51391]
RTL Skispringen 2003 is a ski jumping game with a hot-seat multiplayer mode. The jumpers have to built up based on statistics similar to a role-playing game.
06-10-2021 22:27
by TYRANT-103 Go to last post
2 830
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