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I am a human being with very human concerns, and am prone to make mistakes. I am even prone to slacking off from time to time. If you see a spelling error or a blurb of language that sounds too awkward for your liking, please notify me. However, I ask you to refrain from being really strict with grammar rules and the like. The story is told from Kei's perspective. It should be accurate to the level of SPOKEN grammar. Also, all of you should understand that if I sense a general level of disinterest with the work that I poured my heart and soul into, then I become disinterested. If you have comments of support, or constructive criticism, those are comments that I need to hear. Knowing that people are reading my work keeps me going!

Now, for my e-mail address. One thing I cannot stand is spiders, so I'll be taking all the precautions I can to prevent them from creeping in here. My e-mail address is NOT zoharcontact@hotmail.com. It's close, though. It's not "contact," but "antitype." Please use the common sense that makes you human to switch the two and give me your loving support! Alternatively, you can contact me through my domain mailbox.

WEB: http://www.akaiitotranslation.com/intro.php

Akai Ito

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Akai ItoAkai Ito (яп. "Красная нить") - приключенческая игра-квест в жанре "юри" (жанр манги и аниме, изображающий женские гомосексуальные отношения), изданная компанией Success Corporation для платформы PlayStation 2 в 2004 году. Название является отсылкой к "красной нити судьбы*". По мотивам игры была выпущена одна Drama CD 26 декабря 2006 года, сначала вышедшая ограниченным тиражом в октябре 2005 года. Чтобы распорядится наследством после смерти своей матери, Кэй Хато отправляется в дом её отца в Хэмидзуке.