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Beatshapers Ltd.

Beatshapers Ltd.Beatshapers Ltd. is a Ukrainian video game developer and publisher working on global markets for seventh generation handhelds and consoles and Apple Inc. iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad. Beatshapers Ltd. is focused on creating high-quality and immersive entertainment across gaming consoles, VR/MR and other interactive platforms of the future. Although most of their current projects are behind the closed doors, their portfolio and 23 past console releases exposes their experience in Twitch streaming interactions, Virtual and Mixed Reality. They are pushing new interactive entertainment mediums up to its limits with new products and new ways of interactions between players. The core team does video games for quite a while and are one of the first companies who started work with Virtual Reality. Nowadays they continue to deep dive into new mediums by coming to wonderful world of China VR and now working with big names in entertainment and movie industry.


Founded in 2006 as a game label, in the summer of 2009 it has become a full scale development studio with publishing capabilities and developed and self-published PlayStation minis debut title - BreakQuest. Announced within PSPgo/minis launch, Beatshapers' MelodyBloxx (IGF Mobile 2010 Honorable mention) was cancelled. In 2007, Beatshapers became the first winner of PlayFirst Developer Dash Award (project Little Star), although the game was never published. In 2011, Beatshapers became an IndieCade 2011 Festival finalist with StarDrone for PlayStation 3. Beatshapers also has a sister company, Noisaurs, which produces sound design and music for video games. In summer 2015, Beatshaperss acquired rights for StarDrone IP from Orb Games, working on new version of the game, releasing as PSVR exclusive early 2018. StarDrone VR was IMGA 2017 Awards nominee. (Wikipedia)

WWW: http://www.beatshapers.com/


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WizorbНекогда мирному королевству Горудо теперь угрожает присутствие зла. Единственная надежда - колдун Сайрус, искушенный в тайном магическом искусстве Wizorb! Исследуйте множество неизведанных мест: от брошенного и ныне населенного чудищами городка Кловер до замка Горудо на вершине горы Колдрен. Опасность подстерегает за каждым углом, и, чтобы выжить, от вас потребуются исключительная скорость и молниеносная реакция. Несмотря на столь эпическое описание, Wizorb ещё один вариант на тему арканоида, игры которая может увлечь вас не на шутку, так что будьте осторожны.