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Mega Man X7 (RockMan X7)

Количество игроков (PS2): 1 PlayerЖанр игры (PS2): 2D/3DПлатформерыПриключениеСкроллингСтрелялкиЭкшнЭкшн от третьего лицаVideogame Franchises: Mega Man (RockMan) (Game Series)Theme And Features: Feature: Мультипликационные персонажиКатегория: СтрелялкиМесто действия: БудущееМатериалы игр: Описание игрыРазработчики игрыСекреты игрыСкриншоты игрыСоветы игрокамРегиональные коды игр: SLESSLKASLPMSLUSВсе регионы: Азия, Америка, Европа, Канада, Южная Корея и ЯпонияВсе регионы: Америка, Европа, Канада и ЯпонияПереиздания игр SONY PlayStation: Demo Disc/Demo PackageTaikenbanПеревод игр PlayStation на русский язык: KudosPlayStation 2 Games: Игры PlayStation 2PlayStation 2 Publishers: CapcomКомпозиторы и исполнители: Makoto AsaiNaoto TanakaNittoku InoueNoriyuki IwadareSeiko KobuchiShinya OkadaShotaro MorikuboShuichi MizohataTakuya MiyawakiTeruo KonishiYuko KomiyamaДата издания или переиздания игры SONY PlayStation 2: 20032004Игры SONY PlayStation 2 в алфавитном порядке: MRPlayStation 2 Developers: CapcomCapcom Production Studio 3Localized Games (Sound): English (Sound)French (Sound)German (Sound)Italian (Sound)Japanese (Sound)Korean (Sound)Spanish (Sound)Кроссплатформенные игры: Microsoft DOS/WindowsLocalized Games (Interface): English (Text)French (Text)German (Text)Italian (Text)Japanese (Text)Korean (Text)Russian (Text)Spanish (Text)Аксессуары: Dual Shock 2 Analog ControllerMemory Card (43 Kb)PlayStation Controller (SCPH-1010)PlayStation Dual Analog Controller (SCPH-1150; SCPH-1180)PlayStation DualShock Analog ControllerDigital Media: DVD5

Mega Man X7 (RockMan X7)Игрок может выбрать любую пару из трёх игровых персонажей. Цель остаётся одна: победить синдикат Red Alert терроризирующий галактику. Помимо главного героя Блю Бомбера, теперь есть возможность управлять настоящим мастером меча по имени Зеро, а также совершенно новым персонажем по имени Аксель, который обладает способностью летать по воздуху, а также трансформироваться в побеждённых врагов, используя специальное оружие. Поэтому часть уровня можно закончить, используя выдающиеся способности МегаМэна, а завершить его, используя возможности Эксила или Зеро. В зависимости от того, каких персонажей выберете в начале уровня, и поскольку переключаться с одного игрока на другого можно буквально мгновенно, то появляется возможность проводить потрясающие комбинации, которые начинает один персонаж, а заканчивает другой. Механические монстры будут атаковать со всех сторон, а потому система автоматического прицеливания очень помогает уничтожать врагов как в воздухе, так и на земле.

Mega Man X7 представляет вам нового героя Акселя в новой 3D Action игре. Вас ждёт путешествие в будущее вместе со старыми и новыми героями. Битвы с роботами-монстрами и Rad Alert Syndicate. Уникальное сочетание традиционных 2D и новых 3D элементов! Mega Man X7 - будущее уже наступило!

  • - Сочетание разных игровых жанров в одной игре, ракурсы адаптированы для каждой сцены.
  • - Возможность смены персонажа в любой момент игры.
  • - Новый таинственный герой Аксель!

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #-9
Издатель Региональный код Тип издания Год Язык

RockMan X7
Capcom SLPM-65331   17/07/03
RockMan X7 (Demo Disc)
Capcom SLPM-60207 Taikenban 01/05/03
Mega Man X7
Capcom SLUS-20487   14/10/03
Rockman X7
Capcom SLKA-25115   04/12/03 Looking for a game
Mega Man X7
Capcom SLES-51885   05/03/04 Английский, Французский, Испанский, Немецкий, Итальянский
Mega Man X7
Kudos SLUS-20487 Текст  
Mega Man X7 на других игровых платформах
RockMan X7
Multi Enterprise Тема Форума PC Windows 98/XP/7 2003
Эмулятор SONY PlayStation 2. Последняя стабильная версия. The latest stable releases of PCSX2
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Mega Man X7 (RockMan X7)Mega Man X7 (RockMan X7)

Mega Man X7 (RockMan X7)Mega Man X7 (RockMan X7)

Mega Man X7 (RockMan X7)Mega Man X7 (RockMan X7)


  1. - Чтобы победить Ред, используйте атаку Exploson в исполнении X's или же атаку Explosion/G-Launcherb в исполнении Axl's (нажав кнопку специальной атаки), но только в случае, если Ред окажется поблизости. Если он на дальней дистанции, то проведите атаку в исполнении Buster X's или вышеупомянутые атаки, в исполнении Axl`s, ну а затем прикончите его атакой Giga Crush.
  2. - Чтобы победить Sigma's в финальной форме, дождитесь когда он использует атаку зелёными шарами, тут же воспользуйтесь зелёным заряженным щитом Zero, нажимая кнопку S, и Zero зарядится зелёной энергией. В результате отразит атаку прямо в Сигму. А когда Сигма использует атаку Force Charged Punch, быстро сманеврируйте в правую сторону и контратакуйте.
  3. - Играя за Эксила, нажмите повторно кнопку C, когда выполняете бросковую атаку. Самое главное, что во время этого манёвра Эксил совершит кувырок и увернётся от вражеской атаки. Во всяком случае, получит значительно меньшие повреждения, а возможно получит более высокий рейтинг Hunter Grade.
  4. - Чтобы летать, играя за Эксил, удерживайте прыжковую кнопку (X), и когда взлетите в воздух, сможете оставаться на одном и том же месте или двигаться, используя кнопки на D-pad или левую аналоговую кнопку, правда, ограниченное время. При этом сможете, нажимая кнопку Square, выполнять нормальные атаки, обстреливая врага пулями. Конечно, через некоторое время начнёте медленно снижаться. Это очень полезный манёвр, особенно, когда не можете добраться до какого-нибудь места не только обычным, но даже двойным прыжком, или когда необходимо взлететь в воздух по каким-нибудь причинам, а иногда для того, чтобы занять более высокую позицию и успешно расправиться с врагом.
  5. - Играя за любого персонажа, удерживайте кнопку Circle, при этом каждый прыжок (нажатие кнопки X) будет значительно дальше и быстрее, чем обычно. Тот же самый эффект может быть достигнут ещё более простым способом (нужно нажать кнопки Circle + X).
  6. - Когда войдёте в экран выбора боссов, нажмите кнопку L1, и вам будет предоставлено три варианта. Пройдите в режим опций, а затем в режим игровых опций и подтвердите функции автоматического белого огня ("Auto Repeat") и автоматической зарядки ("Auto Charge"). 


Полная защита

Нажмите и удерживайте Select, когда выбираете X в качестве персонажа на экране выбора героя.

Другой внешний вид X

Нажмите и удерживайте Select и выберите X на экране выбора персонажа, чтобы увидеть его во всех доспехах.

Всегда использовать Dash Jump

Играя за любого персонажа, нажмите и удерживайте Circle. Пока удерживаете Circle, любой прыжок (кнопка X) будет дальше и быстрее, чем обычный. Это то же самое, что нажатие Circle + X, только с меньшим временем.

Alternate X Appearance
At the character selection screen, hold Select and choose X to see him with all his armor.
Always Use Dash Jump
With any character, hold Circle. While holding Circle, every jump (X) will be farther and faster than normal. This is the same as pressing Circle + X, with less timing involved.
Boss Weaknesses
Red: Him with X-Buster or Volt Tornado
Sigma 1: Splash Laser (or Zero's D-Glaive special move)
Sigma 2: Sniper Missile (or Zero's Hieijin Skill)

    There are several bosses in this game you can defeat without any special weapons, given time and patience. They are Tornado Onion, Ride Boarski, and Stonekong. However, some are more challenging than others. Instead of giving a recommended order, the following lists each Boss' weakness when playing as Axl/X. It is not too difficult to figure out Zero's version. These were determined by looking for the traditional Mega Man series Weak Point Indicator. That is, when the Robot Master is hit by their respective weapon they usually, in most games, pause for a moment or lose large chunks of life quickly. Using this method, the last two Robot Masters on the list seem to have the same weakness, but it was not determined which used which weapon.

    Tornado Onion: Gaea Shield.

    Ride Boarski: Circle Blaze.

    Vanishing Gungaroo's Armor: Unknown, but it is easy enough to defeat with default blaster. Save your weapon energy, or at the very least do not use Wind Cutter.

    Vanishing Gungaroo: Wind Cutter.

    Splash Warfly: Volt Tornado. Zero's version is easier to use against this Boss.

    Flame Hyenard: Splash Ray. Zero's version is a much better choice because it does not run out of energy. As this weapon works best on hitting the real Hyenard, this allows you to miss more often and survive.

    Wind Crowfang: Sniper Missile.

    Soldier Stonekong: Explosion.

    Snipe Anteator: This seems to be the token Robot Master that has no clear weakness. However, Explosion does measurable damage. For normal weapons, the X-Buster and Axl being powered up by Explosion do good damage as well.

    Note: Either Stonekong or Anteator are supposed to be weak to Moving Wheel, but because Anteator does not show any sign of it being his weakness, and Explosion actually triggers a pause in Stonekong it is not possible to say which is weak to Moving Wheel.

    Palace Rode Boss: Volt Tornado takes it down a few levels quickly enough to be its weakness, but there may be a better weapon.

    Red: Explosion, and after that is used up try the trusty X-buster.

    Sigma first form: Wind Cutter, when used up then Sniper Missile, then X- Buster. Wind Cutter is the weakness, but you will used up wither X or Axle just taking up a third of Sigma's life.

    Sigma's final form: See the hints for defeating it.

      Completion Bonus
      Successfully complete the game and choose the "New Game+" option to begin with your previous chips, X, and his armor.
      Defeating Enemies
      To easily defeat an enemy, use Zero's Tornado Slash, It is very effective and is able to blow up any enemy.
      Defeating Flame Hyenard
      Have Zero and X. First, with Zero, jump on the horse without having to shoot its legs. Use the back leg to get up. Then with his water weapon, use the thrust to hit Flame Hyenard when he moves after summoning his clones. If Zero gets low on energy, switch to X and use Splash Laser. When that runs out, use Snipe Missile.
      Defeating Palace Road Boss
      When you get to fight the annoying roller boss on the Palace Road, switch to Zero. When it comes close, press R2 to do the fireball attack. After about two blasts, his drum will explode, exposing a drill. Continue to slash him with the saber. When your life is low, switch to X and finish it off with the Giga Crush.
      Defeating Red
      Use X's Explosion or Axl's Explosion/G-Launcherb (press Special Attack) when he is near you. When he is far, use X's Buster or Axl's Explosion/G-Launcher (press Attack). Finish him with Giga Crush.
      Defeating Sigma's Final Form
      When Sigma's final form uses its Green Ball attacks, use Zero's Green Charged shield (hold Square). Zero will charge into Green Energy, and it will bounce the attack back to Sigma. When Sigma uses its Force Charged Punch, dash to right side then counter its attacks.

      Go up to the second highest rock to the left, and hide behind the highest rock. By doing this, Sigma cannot hit you with anything except the pink laser. Stand there and blast away with anything long range and you will kill him eventually.

      Stay in the crack between the two top platforms. None of his attacks will be able to hit you. The punch will go past you and his fire balls will hit the platforms before they hit you. However, the laser can still hit you.

      When facing Sigma's final form, he will act differently when he uses an attack:

      Stands with hands in the air: He will use his green ball attack.
      Spins: He will shoot fire balls.
      Approaches close to you: He will use his laser.
      Approaches very close to you: He will shoot fireballs from his head.
      Stands motionless for a few seconds: He is preparing to punch you.
        Defeating Sigma's First Form
        Sigma is very easy in his first form. Use X and Zero. Sigma mostly jumps around and shoots a pink laser. Stay down when he is firing the laser and blast him with the X Buster and Volt Tornado. Slash him as he jumps around with Zero's Saber, but try not to get hit. Then, finish him off with the Giga Crush. If done correctly, you will not need to use any sub tanks or lose any life.

        As soon as Sigma appears, switch to Zero and equip the Wind Cutter Boomerang you obtained from Wind Crowfang. Pick a corner and every time he appears, shoot him with it. If done correctly, he will disappear each time you hit him, leaving you with all your health.

        Defeating Soldier Stonekong
        Jump over the shield he throws and dodge the boulders by standing directly opposite of him. Sometimes he may not ever summon a boulder if you use Zero to slash or stun him, then Axl to just fire away.
        Extra Lives In Jungle Stage
        There is an extra life at the beginning of the stage. Immediately when Megaman/Zero/Axl warps into the stage, zoom behind you to get it. After completing the stage, keep coming here, exit, and repeat to get the maximum number of lives.
        Hover As Axl
        Hold Jump (default is X) to hover. When you are hovering, you can stay in the same place or move around (with the D-pad or the Left Analog-stick) for a limited time. When you are hovering, you can fire Axl Bullets with the Normal Attack (default is Square). You will know that the hovering time is almost up by a slow decrease in altitude. This is a good trick to use when you cannot get to a place without a farther jump, such as Zero's Double Jump, or when you need to be in the air or need some height to kill an enemy.
        Life Energy Tank In Vanishing Gungaroo Stage
        In the area where you have to fight several Ride Armors, before you destroy them all, climb to the top of the pillars in the room. Search the top of each one. There is a Life Energy tank on top of one, and a Heart tank on another. There are also Reploids to save around that room.
        Play As X
        Save 64 hostages/robots to unlock X. Alternately, defeat two Bosses.
        Play As Zero
        You will unlock Zero as you progress with Axl.
        Recommended Boss Order
        Soldier Stonekong, Tornado Onion, Splash Warfly, Flame Hyenard, Snipe Anteator, Wind Crowfang, Vanishing Gungaroo, Ride Boarski.
        Roll While Dashing With Axl
        Press Circle again while dashing. The best thing about this maneuver is that all shots that are fired upon Axl while he is rolling will miss him, resulting in less damage and possibly a higher Hunter grade.
        Shortcut In Flame Hyenard Stage
        If you have the leg part for X, you can skip the entire second half of Flame Hyenard's stage. When you start, turn left so you can see the far platform. Jump and glide over to it. When you get directly against it, press Jump to climb up. If done correctly, shoot a few enemies and walk to the transporter.
        Note: This may take a few attempts. Also, when you are at the first 3D part of the level, use Glide Armor to glide to the other half of the area.
        Note: This will cause you to miss some Reploids.
        Weapons Energy Tank In Ride Boarski Stage
        A Weapons Energy tank is behind one of the Reploids that you have to save.
        X's Ultimate Armor
        Find the large blue things for the parts of X's Ultimate Armor (as in the previous games in the series). Their locations are as follows:

        "Lava" stage: Look low for it in the first phase of the stage.

        "Airplane" stage: Look in the maze-like room in the second phase of the stage.

        "Computer" stage: Use the portals to reach it in the second phase of the stage.

        "Jungle" stage: After the "spike" area, there will be two stone spitting rocks, one on top the other. Use these two rocks to jump up top to the left area on a tree branch to get the blue pod containing the boots.


          Planner Tsutomo Teranishi, Hiroyuki Yamato, Akiteru Naka (as Akiteru?), Takanori Uegaki, Koji Okohara (as Ohko51017)
          Programmer Tadashi Sanzen, Soutarou Arakawa, Yoshinobu Yasuhara, Kazuya Shinmoto, Masaru Ueno, Daisuke Kaneko, Hiroshi Niki, Kazuteru Sonoyama


          Object Designer Katsumi Toda, Keisuke Ando, Daiki Ikeda, Koujirou Ogiwara, Tsuyoshi Fujisawa, Motoki Nabeshima, Tetsuya Enomoto, Tomokazu Kadoue, Koji Takenaka, Tomoki Asano, Yukie Nishiguchi, Tetsuya Kakumoto, Yuka Kurashige, Shinji Ishii, Shinya Kawane, Akira Masuda, Tatsuya Yoshikawa
          Effect Designer Junichirou Ogawa
          Background Designer Satoshi Ueda, Naomi Gotō, aobin, Chizuru Furukawa, Tomomi Fujiwara, Yasuaki Kishimoto, Takanori Ishikawa, Yoshika Seto, Miho Kobayashi (as Buppo), Yuji Yamamoto, Katsumi Kawagoe, Hiromi Sugimoto


          Music Composer Yuko Komiyama, Shinya Okada ('midnight'), Seiko Kobuchi, Naoto Tanaka, Makoto Asai, Teruo Konishi, Shuichi Mizohata, Noriyuki Iwadare, Takuya Miyawaki
          Sound Effect Gaku Komura, Atsuko Fujitani
          Sound Technical Support Tomohiro Masuda


          Animation Director Junpei Mizusaki
          Character Animation Syuhei Morita
          CG Modeling Junko Nakada, Shinichi Eguchi
          Graphics & Visual Art Rie Suzuki
          Sound Designer Morihiro Iwamoto
          Movie Editor Yoshimi Zaima, Shoji Hamada (as Aniki)


          Producer Noriaki Nakai
          Translator Ryan Morris
          Translation Coordinator Hideko Morita
          Voice Director Nikita Deo
          Voice Coordinator Sachiyo Takeda


          Axl Lenne Hardt, Minami Takayama
          X Peter Gomm, Shotaro Morikubo
          Zero Jack Merluzzi, Ryotaro Okiayu
          Red Barry Gjerde, Akio Otsuka
          Sigma Walter Roberts, Mugihito
          Signas Robert Belgrade, Hirotaka Suzuoki
          Alia Rumiko Varnes, Rumi Kasahara
          Additional Voices Ryan Drees, Jeffrey Manning, Katsuji Mori, Tessho Genda, Wataru Takagi

          MegaMan X7 Ending Theme

          Ending Theme "Lazy Mind" performed by Shotaro Morikubo
          Music & Arrangement Nittoku Inoue
          Courtesy of Suleputer
          Supported by Compozila


          Software Manual Shinichiro Sakomizu (as Sakomizu)
          Publicity Team Hiroko Nakamura, Kazuo Chouya
          Music & Publishing Team Mareo Yamada, Tetsuya Ohno, Hidenori Shinohara
          Marketing Office Eiichi Yaji, Kensuke Nakahara
          Advertising Team Asuka Hayashi
          Product Management Team Norio Tanaka, Kunio Funahara
          Retailer Promotion Team Takeshi Horinouchi
          Test Player Takashi Hashimoto, Tetsunori Matsuoka, Shōhei Okamura, Michihiro Hirano, Toshio Kou, Takashi Fukunaga, Yasutaka Azuma, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Masahiro Hasegawa, Kenji Shiota, Takahiro Horikoshi, Masashi Aono, Mari Fujita, Kenji Shimizu
          Special Thanks Keiji Inafune, Haruki Suetsugu (as Sensei), Yoshinori Takenaka, Ben Judd ('Gromin'), Ayatomo Tanimoto (as Scroll Spirit), Yoshito Ito, Masatsugu Shinohara, Gindama (as Gindama), Yoshiharu Nakao, Yoko Taguchi, Yuka Tanio, and CAPCOM all staff
          Assitant Producer Tatsuya Kitabayashi
          Producer Kouji Nakajima
          General Producer Tatsuya Minami
          Support Companies Value Wave, Neuron-Age, Kamikaze Douga, INTAC [International Translation Center], Suleputer
          - Production Studio 3
          Presented by Capcom

          Capcom Entertainment, Inc.

          Manual Design & Editing Hanshaw Ink & Image
          Marketing Todd Thorson, Sean Mylett, Bonnie Scott, Jack Symon, Robert Johnson, Nathan Williams, Rey Jimenez
          Creative Services Jennifer Deauville
          Package Design Michiko Morita Wang
          Translation Nancy Ding
          PR Melinda Mongelluzzo, Carrie Root, Arne Cual-Pedroso
          Special Thanks to Bill Gardner, Robert Lindsey, Philip Navidad

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